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Monthly Meetings

General Information

PFLAG meets on Thursdays various times a month. 
Educational topics and resources are introduced. Our main goal is to provide learning opportunities for all, ourselves included, and to create a sense of community for those that may find themselves feeling unwelcome. 

First Thursday of the Month:   Mattoon Public Library  6:00 PM
2nd Thursday of Month:    LGBTQ Coffee Hour,  Jackson Ave. Coffee, Charleston.   5:00-6:00 PM
3rd Thursday of the Month:   First Presbyterian Church, Charleston IL  6:00 PM

Currently meeting via Zoom due to Covid.

Contact us: email or Facebook message

What to Expect

PFLAG meetings are casual support group meetings that often include a presentation related to issues faced by parents, friends, and family members of LGBTQ individuals. We also take time to share concerns, explore questions, and work together to become the best allies we can be.  We encourage a climate of respect as personal experiences and feelings are shared, even when they differ from our own. We strive to build trust by holding each other's stories in confidence. We know that group sharing can be healing, but recognize our limitations as a support group and encourage those who need further assistance to seek out a professional counselor.  

Everyone who comes with respect is welcome at a PFLAG meeting. 

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